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Are you happy with the direction of our nation? Are you currently involved in reformation? Do you want to be, but do not know where to even start?

Well this is actually a GREAT place to start, because we are learning from our original documents what the founders really meant when they wrote the Constitution. This is crucial, because see this picture?

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The Constitution on the left is the one that our founders used to chain our representatives to: the rule of law, representative government, limited government, jury of our peers, separation of powers, and in general LIBERTY.

The one on the right is the SCOTUS version, that is, as interpreted by the Supreme Court of the United States. This is the one that regulates us. This is the one they are using in the law schools and American Government courses in the public schools. We need to intentionally get out of the matrix to learn Truth, to learn our Authentic Heritage and to learn how to really pass Liberty to the next generation.

If this sounds like FUN to you, or at least Very Necessary, please like and share this. Sign up for the weekly emails. Join us on our Facebook LIVE events at the American Heritage Today group. Reclaiming our nation won’t happen over night, but then we didn’t lose it overnight!

Stay tuned to learn how we have lost our Heritage, but more important, how to get our Liberty back!