Should We Be Involved in “Politics”?

There has been quite a negative connotation to “Politics” for at least 50 years. What did our Founding Fathers’ generation think about politics? Watch the Video HERE.

If we go to, we see:

No motivation to get involved here!

Let’s compare this definition to the one from Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, when America was still Biblically literate and obedient:

Doesn’t it make a difference to seek a Biblical Worldview!

Here we see motivation to be ethical, to preserve our “safety, peace and prosperity.” We are encouraged to defend our nation against “foreign control or conquest” and protect our “citizens in their rights” and improve our morals. Now you know we need that!

What does he mean by the science of “government?” Let’s look at the 1828 definition of government:

Do we think governmentally in terms of “our conduct” and family?

Here we see that self-government and family government are defined and are legitimate aspects of government. In fact self-government was spoken of frequently by our founders and was understood to be foundational to liberty.

Where do we start to reclaim our lost heritage? 1 Tim 2 gives us insight:

Reclaiming our God-given Heritage of Liberty begins with Prayer.

Don’t we all yearn for peaceful and quiet lives! Even starting in prayer requires that we get active in politics to learn who our representatives are. We should not only be praying for them, but we should get to know them. This could be less overwhelming and even fun and rewarding if we form teams in our communities and divide up the spheres of government. Many representatives welcome prayer and Christian insight to issues that come up. We can serve them by educating ourselves and offering to share literature that we have compiled for them. Remember to always be respectful of their time, kind and brief. Represent Christ well by dressing well, being on-time and helpful.

Romans 13 gives us unique perspective to authority as Americans:

Who are the “governing authorities” in America?

I have polled hundreds of people with this questions. The answer 87% of the time is: the President, the Supreme Court or Congress. But in America, “We the People” ratified our Constitution. In most states, and definitely in Florida “All political power is inherent in the people” as it says in Article I, Section 1:

Very interesting, isn’t it!

So, as we approach these elections, let’s get involved. Darkness flees when we simply turn on the Light. Let’s show up. Let’s PRAY. Let’s VOTE well – according to our Biblical Worldview to honor God Almighty. He sent His Son to die for our sins. Let’s go to the polls and LIVE for His glory.

Dr. Brenda MacMenamin, all rights reserved. Permission given to share in entirely with credit.