Please join us for The FREE Kingdom Seminar for a refreshing afternoon focused on our Biblical Heritage as Americans: What it was historically, how we lost it, how we get it back and why we should!
The Kingdom Seminar, January 17th at Grace Emmanuel Church, Please RSVP below. Download flyer here.
12:45 Light lunch
1:45-5:45 The Kingdom Seminar
“We were graced to have Dan Smithwick and the Kingdom seminar in our church just a couple months ago. What an amazing response from our congregation! We are Kingdom minded people and love the gospel of the Kingdom and have made it our focal point and message for many years. However Dan in the Kingdom seminar brought such revelation and hope that it took us all to a whole new level in our world view concerning the Kingdom!
“I highly recommend the Kingdom Seminar for all churches!”
Dan Smithwick has created the PEERS Biblical Worldview assessment test. Sign up to take the PEERS test here. You do not need to take the test to attend the seminar, or you can take the test and not attend the seminar!
Pastors, you are welcome to attend or send in someone from your congregation to see if this is something that is within your Vision and Mission for your congregation!
Please, let me know if you have any questions?
Mrs. Brenda MacMenamin, DCE
Sponsored by the Treasure Coast Community Impact Team, TC CIT’s Mission is:
To equip believers to promote Biblical principles, values and responsibilities in our community, culture, and government.
Merry Christmas to you as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ!
The Good News is that He is coming back, not as a baby this time, but as the King of kings, the Lord of lords and the God of the WHOLE Earth!
What is He going to find when He comes? Isn’t it surreal that while we want to focus on our Faith, Family, Food and Fun, we are warring for the very heart, soul and future of our nation?
Two other Christmas seasons come to mind that were critical to the destiny of our nation.
One was 1913, when the 16th and 17th Amendments were passed. Then on December 22, 1913, when “Congress was preoccupied with departure for the Christmas recess and in no mood for debate,” the Federal Reserve Act “quickly passed by a vote of 282 to 60 in the House and 43 to 23 in the Senate. The president signed it into law the next day.”* We all now know that the Federal Reserve “is not Federal and has no reserves!” This act, with the 16th and 17th Amendments, made the year of 1913 a year of severe loss of liberty for America.
Where was the Church?
Another Christmas time compares and contrasts drastically in how America responded to a threat to her Liberty. It was during the American Revolution, right before Christmas.
“With the arrival of Sullivan’s troops, Washington decided to make one last strike against the British before the year’s end. Most of his six thousand men were due to go home at the end of December, barely a week away, and Washington wanted to utilize them one more time. General Howe, assuming that Washington would sit out the winter now that he was safely across the Delaware, retired to New York, leaving a series of posts to hold New Jersey. One of those posts became Washington’s target: the Hessian stronghold at Trenton. It would be a dangerous move—the entire American army would be at risk, and if they failed in the venture, retreat would be virtually impossible. But ‘necessity, dire necessity, will nay must, justify an attack,’ Washington said.”**
As the Americans prepared themselves for war, the Hessians partied heavily on Christmas eve. The stormy weather was so heavy and cold, that muskets froze, yet Washington ordered, “Use the bayonet. I am resolved to take Trenton.”
“The men stood stoically on the river banks, waiting their turn to cross. The sleet mixed with snow pelted their faces, dripped under their collars. Some had covered the firelocks of their muskets with rags, attempting to keep them dry for the battle. Others, having no rags—or no foresight—watched miserably as their muskets became useless burdens.”
The storm was so intense that Washington lost 2 out of three troops of his army and two soldiers froze literally to death.
“Jagged ice on the road cut through worn-out shoes and threadbare stockings. The next day, Major James Wilkinson, coming behind, could follow their route by the bloodstains in the snow.”
Yet 1/3 of the Americans stayed the course…
“Shortly after daybreak, about eight o’clock, the two columns converged on the town. Shocked Hessians had no time to prepare. Rall hurriedly dressed and formed a regiment on King Street. Another regiment, wearing scarlet uniforms, formed on the parallel Queen Street. The American artillery was waiting for them. Both armies hesitated, and time seemed to stand still. Then the gunners, under a slender young American officer named Alexander Hamilton, lit the touchholes of the cannon. Grapeshot roared from the cannons’ mouths and the screaming Hessians fell back.”
“It was a glorious and almost unbelievable victory for the beleaguered American commander and his troops. Nearly 1,000 Hessians were taken captive; another 115 were killed or wounded. Four Americans had been wounded, but not a single one was lost in battle—although in the fierce night before, two had tragically frozen to death.
“The enemy have fled before us in the greatest panic that ever was known,” one of the patriot soldiers wrote after the victory. “Never were men in higher spirits than our whole army is.”
Father, help us to recognize the scope of the battle that we find ourselves in presently. Help us to honor Your Son by not only by celebrating our Faith with Family, Food and Fun but enable us to press into what You are doing, to stay steadfast in prayer and actively defend our Faith and the Liberty of our Nation.
Today, as our president has vetoed one major bill and is threatening to veto this other one: Stay alert! Stay in prayer. Ask your representatives to STAND for Truth, for the Constitution, and for righteousness. May we be vigilant and virtuous as our founders were and not be accused decades in the future by our grandchildren.
As we close this year of 2020, I praise God for your love for Jesus and for your commaraderie in fighting for our nation and everything that we hold dear. You remind me of the scripture in Nehemiah 4:14, ““Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”
And again in Nehemiah 4:17, “Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon.”
I pray blessings upon you, that you can enjoy this Holy Day AND be a Warrior for Christ, as in the days of Nehemiah!
In His Name we Hope!
I’ll be starting a Bible study for next year. It’ll be a weekly blog that focuses on Biblical Worldview Education and how to learn and teach using the Bible for curriculum and methodology. I’ll share Historical references and specific scriptures to aid us in getting started and in developing our Biblical Worldview as it pertains to Education. (More on this next week!)
This will be great for home schoolers, teachers (in all schools), parents and grandparents, patriots and pastors.
Does this sound FUN? Sign up here!! Please share with friends that you know are interested. Let’s believe God for advancing His Kingdom in 2021!
One of the most impactful moments of my life was watching my husband’s siblings gather around their “Poppy’s” kitchen table after they had laid him to rest, to read his “Last Will & Testament” to carry out his stated wishes.
Jilly, the oldest and the “executrix” read through the legalese. They were in complete unity to fulfill his stated desires though the will did not affect them equally, nor equitably. It was truly inspiring to watch the love, the unity, and the submission of his five children as they spent several hours reading his will and the next several days carrying out every word and will of their beloved father.
I wonder if we can do the same with our Heavenly Father? Can we gather in unity to read His Last Will & Testament to us, His children?
Maybe God has given us different gifts, talents and callings. But we, as believers, are just as much family. No matter our differences in talents or calling or race or skin color or gender or wealth or denomination, certainly each one of us is a beloved Child in the family of God. Each one of us is just as blessed yet maybe assigned differently to fulfill God Almighty’s purpose. He has a unique destiny for each one of us and is orchestrating all seen and unseen for His glory and our good.
One of the questions that I get most in the Constitutional Conversations classes that I offer is, “What about ‘Separation of Church and State.’” (I’ll give you $100 if you can find those words in our Constitution! It is not in ours but is in the old Soviet Constitution, Article 124.) Most Americans have no idea that our first state Constitution was based on Exodus 18:21, or that Thomas Paine, in “Common Sense” challenged the “Divine Right of Kings” using Judges 8:22-23 and 1 Samuel 8. We, as a nation, are ignorant that the Three Branches of Government are Isaiah 33:22. I could go on, but I am sure you see where I am going with this. It is not that our Founders acted like Deists or were ignorant of the gospel or compromised in their faith, but we are. We need to not only read His Word, but diligently bring His principles into everything that we do- to bring Him glory in our lives, families, finances, businesses, churches, civil responsibilities and every thing that we do!
Do you want to come to Him, in preparation of the New Year and for this final day of Hanukkah with me to consecrate ourselves to Him, to purpose to read His Last Will & Testament this year?
Let’s create a 2021 Challenge!
To receive a schedule to pray through the Bible in 2021 click here.
Father, we come to You, God of the whole Earth, and we ask You to help us read Your Word this year. Enlighten the eyes of our understanding. Help us to hear Your voice and obey. Show us where we are falling short of Your glory and grant us repentance. Reveal the new places that You want us to conquer this year. Let Your glory arise in us, in this deep darkness. Flow through us to help others around us – to give them encouragement from Your Word. Help us to choose at least one person to do life with that we can stay accountable to and to help through all the distractions.
We give You glory and praise for all the wonderful things You do this year of 2021!
In Jesus’ Mighty, Glorious, Holy, Righteous, Conquering Name, AMEN!
I am delighted to share the work of Dan Smithwick who pioneered the PEERS Biblical Worldview assessment test through his organization Nehemiah Institute. You can learn more about his philosophy and the PEERS test here.
If you would like to take the PEERS Biblical Worldview assessment test, you may pay $15 here (The deadline to take and submit the PEERS test is 1/13/2021 at 5 PM IF you are joining us locally for the Kingdom Seminar.) I will send you your link to take this assessment online the same day that I receive your payment.
“Save the Dates”
1/13/2021 at 5 PMLast day to take the PEERS test online to receive results when Dan teaches at the Kingdom Seminar at GEC Sunday 1/17
1/17 The Kingdom Seminar will be at Grace Emmanuel Church in the afternoon at 707 Kitterman Road, PSL, FL 34952. Dan will bring your results and share how to interpret the PEERS results. Please RSVP below to Brenda MacMenamin before 1/10!
PLEASE, Let us know whether you will be joining us at 12:45 for a light lunch &/or
1:45 for The Kingdom Seminar
Looking forward to seeing you and to seeing what God Almighty does. Keep the Faith and keep praying for His Glory, to overcome evil with GOOD!
It’s Not Too Late to Choose Excellent Courses with Authentic History!
Do you remember when school started after Labor Day? Well you can still do that with these online, on-demand High School History courses. They have Video lessons, are all Biblical Worldview, Principle Approach, courses where your child will do research and reading Monday-Thursday and turn in an essay on Fridays. They each include Literature lessons for added value for you!
Friends from Florida Citizens Alliance sent requests to each county to ask if the “1619 Project” would be taught. Our county did not answer. What are our children being taught in our schools? WE the people will be held accountable. Do we know enough of our True History to realize that none of what they are teaching here, is TRUE?
I go deeply into what actually happened with slavery, for two reasons:
I want our American students to know how hard it is to end injustice
I want to equip these children to end the injustices of today like abortion and all racism and bigotry through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Word of our testimony and being willing to totally lay our lives down for the sake of His Kingdom.
Will you join me? If you have any questions, please fill out the comment box and I would be happy to get with you. I am starting a new year with these classes for you and your family. You could gather a few families together, purchase the class that you want and start a home study! (Ask me for the details?)
For only $100 per quarter, or $375 for the year, your children can learn their True History from original documents! And you can learn with them!!
Also, for adults who want to really understand the original intent of the Constitution for Constitution Day this year, join us online starting next Monday, September 14th! Sign up for Constitutional Conversations today!
Thank you for joining me on this adventure of learning and teaching the next generation about the “Mighty Deeds of God” so that our children have faith in God Almighty and hope to obey His commandments. America, let’s bless God!
Dr. Brenda MacMenamin, all rights reserved. Permission given to share in entirely with credit.
Whether you should homeschool is a matter that you need to take to the Lord in prayer. He is so faithful to gently lead those with young. He will show you.
I would like to share how the Lord lead me to homeschool when I thought that I should be the LAST person He would ask to do so!
If you do decide to homeschool your children, please visit to find legal advice in filing and fulfilling your legal obligations.
To learn what is happening in our government school system, our media and in parts of our culture, please see and these excellent videos.
May the Lord anoint us to “leave an inheritance to our children’s children!” (Proverbs 13:22)
To stay connected and continue to receive my articles and videos, please sign up below.
There has been quite a negative connotation to “Politics” for at least 50 years. What did our Founding Fathers’ generation think about politics? Watch the Video HERE.
If we go to, we see:
No motivation to get involved here!
Let’s compare this definition to the one from Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, when America was still Biblically literate and obedient:
Doesn’t it make a difference to seek a Biblical Worldview!
Here we see motivation to be ethical, to preserve our “safety, peace and prosperity.” We are encouraged to defend our nation against “foreign control or conquest” and protect our “citizens in their rights” and improve our morals. Now you know we need that!
What does he mean by the science of “government?” Let’s look at the 1828 definition of government:
Do we think governmentally in terms of “our conduct” and family?
Here we see that self-government and family government are defined and are legitimate aspects of government. In fact self-government was spoken of frequently by our founders and was understood to be foundational to liberty.
Where do we start to reclaim our lost heritage? 1 Tim 2 gives us insight:
Reclaiming our God-given Heritage of Liberty begins with Prayer.
Don’t we all yearn for peaceful and quiet lives! Even starting in prayer requires that we get active in politics to learn who our representatives are. We should not only be praying for them, but we should get to know them. This could be less overwhelming and even fun and rewarding if we form teams in our communities and divide up the spheres of government. Many representatives welcome prayer and Christian insight to issues that come up. We can serve them by educating ourselves and offering to share literature that we have compiled for them. Remember to always be respectful of their time, kind and brief. Represent Christ well by dressing well, being on-time and helpful.
Romans 13 gives us unique perspective to authority as Americans:
Who are the “governing authorities” in America?
I have polled hundreds of people with this questions. The answer 87% of the time is: the President, the Supreme Court or Congress. But in America, “We the People” ratified our Constitution. In most states, and definitely in Florida “All political power is inherent in the people” as it says in Article I, Section 1:
Very interesting, isn’t it!
So, as we approach these elections, let’s get involved. Darkness flees when we simply turn on the Light. Let’s show up. Let’s PRAY. Let’s VOTE well – according to our Biblical Worldview to honor God Almighty. He sent His Son to die for our sins. Let’s go to the polls and LIVE for His glory.
Dr. Brenda MacMenamin, all rights reserved. Permission given to share in entirely with credit.
Thank you to every American who bought fireworks last night to bring into the neighborhoods what we usually go out to see. It was loud, chaotic and FUN. The True American Spirit is alive and well in the hearts of neighborhoods across our nation!
Exodus 1:12, referring to the oppressive Pharaoh and his men, says:
“But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew.”
This is of course speaking of the Israelites, but we see this concept active in Acts when the Jewish leadership and the Romans were oppressing the new believers, that the Church began to multiply by thousands in a day. This happened when the Word of God began to be printed in the common man’s language through out many nations which resulted in their migration to America and certainly brought that concept here.
I see you, Liberty! Even though many in office are trying to tyrannize us, some with malice but some only truly believe that they can govern us better than we can govern ourselves. But America is rising up in the neighborhoods to reclaim what made us great, not the collective, top-down decision-making. But the “moms and pops” and the grandparents in the neighborhoods teaching the next generation what man can do without those in office organizing it for us. John Adams said of the Fourth of July:
“The date will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.”
You just cannot squash this. Instead of one big celebration, we had thousands and thousands across our cities and the nation!
Phillis Wheatley is America’s first Black Poet. She wrote a poem about George Washington, of which he wrote to her:
I thank you most sincerely for your polite notice of me in the elegant lines you enclosed… … the style and manner exhibit a striking proof of your poetical talents; in honor of which, and as a tribute justly due to you, I would have published the poem had I not been apprehensive that, while I only meant to give the world this new instance of your genius, I might have incurred the imputation of vanity. This, and nothing else, determined me not to give it place in the public prints… I am, with great respect, your obedient, humble servant, Geo. Washington
This is her poem, “On being brought from Africa to America”
Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land, Taught my benighted soul to understand That there’s a God, that there’s a Saviour too: Once I redemption neither sought nor knew. Some view our sable race with scornful eye, “Their colour is a diabolic dye.” Remember, Christians, Negroes, black as Cain, May be refin’d, and join th’ angelic train.
Enjoy a brief overview here. I highly recommend that “Poems of Phillis Wheatley” find a place on your bookshelf!
Next Tuesday, June 30th, Treasure Coast Community Impact Team Meeting at 10:30 AM at 707 Kitterman Rd, Port St Lucie, FL 34952.
Let’s honor God Almighty with our VOTE!
This meeting is to organize and distribute information to equip believers to vote their Biblical values. We need a liaison from each church/civic organization/event and people to distribute the voting guides to these churches and believers.
Please RSVP below if you are able to attend, so that we can prepare for the number of volunteers that come in!